World Book Day 2023

The children had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March and everyone came to school dressed as their favourite book character.
Throughout the day, all classes took part in live lessons and fun themed reading and book related games and activities.
In Reception, the children listened to Joe Wicks read his book, ‘Bedtime for Burpee Bears’, Year 3 had fun designing their own Little Miss or Mr Men characters and Year 5 learned about the life of Roald Dahl and wrote character descriptions about the characters in Matilda. The teachers also swapped classes for a story time session with another class which the children (and teachers) loved!
During the week, the children had the opportunity to take part in a book swap, and were really excited to take home a new text that had been donated.
All the children received their World Book Day token, so they will be able to buy a new book to enjoy!